
Musician Of The Month

U-High Band Concert Collaboration w/ Univ. of Chicago Wind Ensemble 2/24

On behalf of the music department, we invite you to attend the next performance of the high school band. This Sunday, February 24, members of the band will be performing a collaborative concert with the University of Chicago Wind Ensemble. Each ensemble will perform selections by themselves, then combine for two final pieces. It’s a great opportunity for our students to perform alongside more experienced musicians and to work with the conductor of the Wind Ensemble. The concert takes place in the Performance Hall at the Logan Center (915 East 60th St.), beginning at 4:00 p.m. Admission is free. Please join us for what promises to be a wonderful afternoon of music.

UHigh Symphonic Orchestra

The Uhigh band and orchestra have together to form our very own Symphonic Orchestra. Visit our  Upcoming Events  page to see our concert dates for the year.

Getting The Ball Rolling

We're so happy to see all of the Lab Kids in music class.  Check out our  Upcoming Events  page for concert dates.

Imani Winds

Thank you to the Imani Winds for their wonderful performances this afternoon. Some of our very own students were able to have a master class as well. We're glad to have had the opportunity to enjoy their performance as they finish their final week of residency here in Chicago. See more in  Photos 

Upcoming High School Performances

Come see some our own UHigh students perform in ensembles and original digital music compositions. Mr. Francisco Dean and Ms. Hsing-Huei Huang have been working with these students using our new recording studio!                                    See dates in Upcoming Events

7th - High School Band Spring Concert

We're so proud of our 7th grade through High School band performance! A great performance and those students who participated in our very own Solo and Ensemble Contest were recognized during the concert. See more in Photos